Cloak Guy

Cloak Guy is an exploration, stealth, survival... rpg... game. Where you are a guy in a presumably, a cloak.
Your objective is to reach the exit of each level or 'dungeon'.
Each dungeon is randomly generated with walls, enemies, treasure chests and much more. For more info visit

NOTE: The game resolution may or may not screw up a little with the yoyogames player. If you want a better screen, try switching Fullscreen on and off in Options.

- Added a Fullscreen option in the Options menu
- Fixed a crash for low-end computers related to the lighting engine and surface drawing
- Added scenary to dungeon generator
- Fixed spikes spawning dangerous close to the player spawn
- Removed the need to have a .dll file, which was being picked up as spyware on some virus scanners

Tags: rpg, stealth, explore, exploration, platform, online, highscore, cloak, guy

Released 2009-11-24
Category Adventure
Rating 4.0 (by 12 users)
Downloads 314
Version 2
ID 104378
Slug cloak-guy