
This is the journey to the center of the universe.

“Epicenter” is an immersive shooter, featuring highly polished explosion effects, backgrounds, and highly detailed sprites. There are more than 15 different enemy ships, found throughout 5 loosely bound, yet highly un-repetitive, levels.

The sprites were designed over a long period of time, and are of an extremely high-quality. The game is designed to be bright, colorful, and hopefully, fun.

I played with several dangerous concepts in the creation of this game. For one, gameplay is very zoomed-in. My intention was to trap the player in a small window of an immense universe. Also, the game contains an autofire mechanism, and no possibilities of upgrading. I wanted to de-emphasize the actual shooting process in order to maximize the player’s possibility of survival. I believe that what Epicenter turned out to be made these decisions worthwhile.

Tags: competition05

Released 2010-03-29
Category Shooter
Rating 3.7 (by 14 users)
Downloads 163
Version 1
ID 121572
Slug epicenter