Proto Man Weapons

Proto Man Weapons

This game shows what weapons will be availible in the game I'm making.
Feel free to screw around as much as you'd like.
Enemies cannot hurt you.


Arrow Keys-Move



0=Mega Buster (Normal weapon)

1-Shell Shocker (Turtle Man's weapon)

2-Bulk Missile (Bulk Man's weapon)

3-Waterfall Flash (waterfall Woman's weapon)

4-Dunk Ball (Dunk Man's weapon)

5-Candle Wax (Candle Woman's Weapon)

6-Ignis Flame (Ignis Woman's weapon)

7-Pie Acid (Pie Man's Weapon)

8-Atom Bomb (Atom Man's weapon)

Tags: proto, man, weapons, mega, buster, turtle, bulk, waterfall, dunk, candle, ignis, pie, atom

Released 2010-10-20
Category Shooter
Rating 3.8 (by 4 users)
Downloads 346
Version 1
ID 148673
Slug proto-man-weapons