WIP Ultimate Fake 3D

My original engine had its upsides - it was (relatively) easy to use, and has a lot of different scripts.
It also had its downsides, it doesn't look very realistic, and, most of all, it is slow.
Greenblizzard also made a fake 3d engine. His engine was really fast and goodlooking, but there weren't many functions to work with.
Seeing that if these two engines were to be melted together, the downsides would be nullified, and we'd end up with an ultimate fake 3d engine!

And here it is!
It's still a work in progress, so it isn't supported yet, but it's not long until it's finished.

Tags: thesnidr, greenblizzard, fake, 3d, mode, mode7, fake3d

Released 2010-11-14
Category Other
Rating 4.1 (by 7 users)
Downloads 384
Version 1
ID 151917
Slug wip-ultimate-fake-3d