
Hey Guys!
Have fun. I hope everybody like it.
Lobbo want to get the chest of Merzedania. Help him to find them, trough more than 20 levels. Diffrent enemys and funny objekts.
Greets Philip Zauner & Drax Games

Tags: philip, zauner, drax, games, xmas, christmas, santa, snow, fun, holydays, cool, epic, funny, lol, rofl, damm, xd, snowy, lobbo, hubby, cube, weapons, survive, survival, platform, gun, stick, zombie, shooter, blood, boss, rush, fire, physics, juggernaut, swarm, sandbox, pvp, deathmatch, infection, bullet, hell, shmup, shoot, em, up, random, black, white, custom, hot, glue, guns, are, so, horror, scary, ambience, dark, death, run, gameplay, gripping, amnesia, darkness, chase, ghosts, monsters, windows, free, download, featured, maze, 4250, terror, addicting, graphics, puzzle

Released 2011-12-17
Category Platform
Rating 3.9 (by 24 users)
Downloads 499
Version 17
ID 191065
Slug lobbo2