kirby engine example3.0

by sonicjr

edit:2 added two new powers(cutter and beam);
added slight differences between powers.
edit1: added a new health system,two new powers(wing and rock),more sound,and added warp star paths

I always wanted to make a kirby game but never knew how till now. I made a kirby engine all by self but I I want to share it so far only two copy abilitys are avalible(sword and ninja)
arrowkeys:move left or right
ctrl:float(in midair)
c:return to normal

Please give credit if you use

Tags: kirby, engine, example, sonicjr, example3

Released 2009-03-24
Category Platform
Rating 3.8 (by 24 users)
Downloads 2011
Version 1
ID 75352
Slug kirby-engine-example30